Job Search Log #2 —So many good stuff just happened!

Nicole Macam
3 min readJul 24, 2021

Applications submitted: 40

Rejections: 12

Ghosted: 27

1st Round Interviews: 1

Final Round Interviews: 1

I had a lack of progress on the job search, but significant progress in other areas — my portfolio and Product Splash.

Since I wrote my first log back on May 20th, 2021, I’ve applied to 5 jobs over a period of 2 months. Okay, definitely not the progress I was expecting of myself at the time.

But it turned out fine in the end — the main reason for my lack of progress on the job search is because I’ve been focused on making some MAJOR updates to my portfolio website, focusing on the overall look of the website and adding pages for my most recent projects (I was focusing a LOT on storytelling). I was finally able to launch the new design on July 12th. I’m in the process of asking for feedback from others, but so far I’ve gotten positive reactions towards it, and I truly am proud of the progress I’ve made on it compared to my website two years ago! My next step now is to create the process slide decks for each project, which I’d use to present to potential employers.

I’ve also just recently been accepted to the Product Splash 2021 cohort in a 5-week immersive program to collaborate with product managers, engineers, and designers to conceptualize and create an original product idea addressing the theme of “recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic”. It’s been an awesome experience so far learning more of the product design process and working with my PM teammates! My goal for this program is to not only add another project to my portfolio, but to also gain further visibility and connections in the design community and experience working with PMs and engineers.

I got invited to my first ever final round interview!

The last time this ever happened was almost three years ago for joining an undergraduate student design organization back in college, but I was rejected. Since then, it’s been difficult even hearing back for a 1st round interview for anything — that only happened 3 times in my whole life.

After applying for a fellowship program, I was accepted to participate in the first round interview. I was excited! But, I didn’t want to get my hopes up, and wanted to stay realistic. So, I prepared for the interview, did my best, and moved on to focus on other things such as my portfolio without worrying too much about how that interview went.

And now today, a couple of weeks later, I receive the email notification that I got invited to a final round interview! This was about 6 hours ago, and I’m going out for dinner with my partner in a bit to celebrate… yes, we celebrate the smallest things! To me though, this is a huge step in my career 😊

Will I be nervous for it as the day of the interview gets closer? Definitely. Am I ready and excited for it? Even more than I am nervous.

I’ve also been talking to people, and it’s been so FUN.

I’m the type of person who’s fairly introverted — my energy gets drained much faster when I’m around people. I do however enjoy talking to people a lot and getting to know them, even if it tires me.

Two months ago, I told myself that I should start networking a lot more often. I have been doing that particularly through LinkedIn and ADPList, and it’s been truly a fun experience just getting to know others and building new connections whether they’re a mentor or a new friend!

Just recently, I had the possibly the most fun conversation I’ve had in a while with an MFA design student at UC Davis — learning about her awesome thesis, getting to know what is it about UX that makes her passionate about it, and sharing our common interests in K-pop and design. We’re already planning to have another call next week! It’s conversations and connections like this that make the journey so intimate, fun, and memorable.

Next steps:

  1. Nail that final interview
  2. Apply to more roles
  3. Create an awesome project for Product Splash
  4. Connect with more people!!

To anyone coming across this series, please do not hesitate to provide any feedback or insights! Whether it’s on my job search approach, my writing, my portfolio, my mindset, etc. (Okay for real, roast me. I’ve already been through the worst of it during design critiques as an architecture student anyway 😜)



Nicole Macam

a curious junior UX designer from the SF Bay Area